
 Watch Past Events

LLMs and the Generative AI Revolution

Come join us for a dive deep into the revolutionary new world of LLMs, agents, auto-healing code, image generators, personalized tutors and more.  Explore the new stack of vector databases, Langchain, OpenAI, and open source models like Falcon. Learn how to take advantage of these cutting edge new tools and techniques.  Start putting next gen AI to work for you today.

AI at Scale

Come join us and dive deep into scaling AI, including automatic data labeling and management, massive distributed training on multiple GPUs/TPUs, running tons of experiments simultaneously, deploying thousands of models, and running inference to millions or billions of people.

Data-Centric AI Summit

Learn how to put data-centric AI into practice in the real world. Hear from some of the top practitioners in the world today along with some of the most advanced platforms.  Explore talks from the leaders of massive data sets used to train some of the largest foundational models on the planet.

MLOps Day 2 Summit: Monitor, Observe, Explain

  • Join us for an awesome half day of monitoring, observability and exaplainability from some of the most innovative platforms in the space: Arize, WhyLabs, TruEra, Aporia, Bosch AI, Fiddler, Seldon and more

Model Serving

  • Learn shadow deployments and blue/green deployments of a model
  • Link to a monitoring system and diagnose a deteriorating model
  • See how pytorch and tensorflow deployments are different and why
  • See how to roll back to an earlier version of a model

April 7, 2022

Experiment Tracking

  • Tips and tricks for tracking experiments with Clear ML
  • Demo of an agricultural model experiment with Valohai
  • A one hour experiment tracking walk through with Iguazio
  • Determined AI shows tracking in notebooks

March 3, 2022

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Report - AI Ecosystem

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